Namespace NpgsqlTypes
- NpgsqlRange<T>.RangeTypeConverter
Represents a type converter for NpgsqlRange<T>.
- NpgsqlTsQuery
Represents a PostgreSQL tsquery. This is the base class for the lexeme, not, or, and, and "followed by" nodes.
- NpgsqlTsQueryAnd
TsQuery And node.
- NpgsqlTsQueryBinOp
Base class for TsQuery binary operators (& and |).
- NpgsqlTsQueryEmpty
Represents an empty tsquery. Should only be used as top node.
- NpgsqlTsQueryFollowedBy
TsQuery "Followed by" Node.
- NpgsqlTsQueryLexeme
TsQuery Lexeme node.
- NpgsqlTsQueryNot
TsQuery Not node.
- NpgsqlTsQueryOr
TsQuery Or Node.
- NpgsqlTsVector
Represents a PostgreSQL tsvector.
- PgNameAttribute
Indicates that this property or field corresponds to a PostgreSQL field with the specified name
- NpgsqlBox
Represents a PostgreSQL box type.
- NpgsqlCidr
Represents a PostgreSQL cidr type.
- NpgsqlCircle
Represents a PostgreSQL Circle type.
- NpgsqlInet
Represents a PostgreSQL inet type, which is a combination of an IPAddress and a subnet mask.
- NpgsqlInterval
A raw representation of the PostgreSQL interval datatype. Use only when TimeSpan or NodaTime Period do not have sufficient range to handle your values.
- NpgsqlLSeg
Represents a PostgreSQL Line Segment type.
- NpgsqlLine
Represents a PostgreSQL line type.
- NpgsqlLogSequenceNumber
Wraps a PostgreSQL Write-Ahead Log Sequence Number (see:
- NpgsqlPath
Represents a PostgreSQL Path type.
- NpgsqlPoint
Represents a PostgreSQL point type.
- NpgsqlPolygon
Represents a PostgreSQL Polygon type.
- NpgsqlRange<T>
Represents a PostgreSQL range type.
- NpgsqlTid
Represents a PostgreSQL tid value
- NpgsqlTsVector.Lexeme
Represents a lexeme. A lexeme consists of a text string and optional word entry positions.
- NpgsqlTsVector.Lexeme.WordEntryPos
Represents a word entry position and an optional weight.
- NpgsqlDbType
Represents a PostgreSQL data type that can be written or read to the database. Used in places such as NpgsqlDbType to unambiguously specify how to encode or decode values.
- NpgsqlTsQuery.NodeKind
- NpgsqlTsQueryLexeme.Weight
Weight enum, can be OR'ed together.
- NpgsqlTsVector.Lexeme.Weight
The weight is labeled from A to D. D is the default, and not printed.