Table of Contents

Enum NpgsqlValueGenerationStrategy


Defines strategies to use when generating values for database columns.

public enum NpgsqlValueGenerationStrategy
Extension Methods


IdentityAlwaysColumn = 3

Selects the always-identity column strategy (a value cannot be provided).

Available only starting PostgreSQL 10.

IdentityByDefaultColumn = 4

Selects the by-default-identity column strategy (a value can be provided to override the identity mechanism).

Available only starting PostgreSQL 10.

None = 0

No Npgsql-specific strategy.

Sequence = 5

A pattern that uses a database sequence to generate values for the column.

SequenceHiLo = 1

A sequence-based hi-lo pattern where blocks of IDs are allocated from the server and used client-side for generating keys.

This is an advanced pattern--only use this strategy if you are certain it is what you need.

SerialColumn = 2

Selects the serial column strategy, which is a regular column backed by an auto-created index.

If you are creating a new project on PostgreSQL 10 or above, consider using IdentityByDefaultColumn instead.
